Start of the half term holidays, half the country is covered in snow and ice, but not here. It was a bit overcast this a.m. however the rain held off all day.
We had a mini garden invasion from four escaped sheep this morning. I glanced out of the window and there they were, happily grazing on the grass. I managed to herd them back in the field next door. They seem to have found a big gap in the hedge. There were three in the garden yesterday as well! The chickies are not impressed by these monster visitors helping themselves to their food. We will have to plug up the gaps before the whole flock arrives with lambs in tow.
We managed to plant three pear trees today. My makeshift fleece protection seems to have put the hares off, so no more damage from their munching. Our plan for the rest of the weekend is to dig over some more of the veg beds, and cover the ones already turned over with some black plastic. This should help warm up the soil a bit to give us a head start in seed sowing next month.
I noticed in the Cumbria Life magazine, a nearby village is having a potato day, selling seed potatoes, veg seed and fruit bushes. I need some raspberry canes, so I am going to pop along next Saturday and see what I can buy. I have already bought some seed potaotes and they are happily chitting away on the window sill of my conservatory.
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