Tuesday, 10 January 2012

The Story so far

Last summer we moved into our new home. Very excited about the large undeveloped garden, with stunning views over the Solway Firth to Dumfries.
The garden is 60m long and 20m wide and faces west. To the North is large native hedge. To the south and west wire & post fencing. It is windy exposed,shady near the house until afternoon. The rest of the garden get sun all day (when it shines here).
The garden is currently all laid to grass (very rough field grass).
The soil is heavy clay, and very wet in patches. It also contains lots of rubble!
It is also home to three chickens, who have free range over the whole garden( not sure how they are going to feel about being contained when the time comes!)
The plan

Over the next few years we want to create a 4/5 seperate areas, including a veg patch, orchard, childrens garden, and two distinct flower gardens. I am sure this plan will change and develop over time, which is why I wants to keep a blog to track our progress.

So far....

We have taken delivery of a large shed, built some huge compost bins, installed two water butts.
We have marked out the veg patch area. and have cut borders for hornbeam hedging to surround this area, and I ordered the hedging just yesterday.
I also ordered, 2 plum, 3 apple and 3 pear trees, to create the beginnings of an orchard.(More about them when they arrive in a couple of weeks)

We also cut out 13 veg beds, and have been digging these over when weather permits (which has not been often since November!) We have planted redcurrant, blackcurrant and gooseberry bushes, which have lived in pots for the last few years and have moved house with us. I am sure they will all appreciate the root space and the well rotted horse manure, we have dug in.

Photos to date can be found on my flickr photostream www.flickr.com/photos/carreggardendesign

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